
Thermodynamic Properties
in Python

Simple, accurate, and versatile
thermodynamic properties
in Python
>>> import pyromat as pm
>>> H2O = pm.get('mp.H2O')
>>> h = H2O.h(T=450., p=3.)
Access any of
934 substances
in only a few lines of Python
PYroMat's array support
makes plotting
and working with big data sets
>>> import numpy as np
>>> O2 = pm.get('ig.O2')
>>> import numpy as np
>>> T = np.linspace(300.,2000.,101)
>>> h = O2.h(T)
>>> h.shape
>>> p = np.linspace(1.,100.,101)
>>> s = O2.s(T,p)
>>> s.shape
>>> T = T.reshape((T.size,1))
>>> s = O2.s(T,p)
>>> s.shape
(101, 101)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> T = np.linspace(300.,5000.,201)
>>> air = pm.get('ig.air')
>>> plt.plot(T, air.cp(T))